Tuesday, September 22, 2015

30 Day Bikram Yoga Blog: Day 1/2


The 1630 session it was to be. Towel, water bottle, yoga mat, shorts. Wallet. $39 bought us entry into the cult. Enter the carpeted hall; the type where each cheap polyester strand is not woven but erect. A young Bikram Choudury sat on the righthand wall in a cross legged pose; in front of us a mirror so we could see the deficiencies on our physique in comparison.

The series of postures began; the rote-learned dialogue through a headpeice microphone sounded, some phrases so mechanical they passed from the lips and into the ear without meaning imparted or received. It mattered little - we knew the drill - the cadenza enough to infer beginnings and endings.

The air grew viscous, blood flushed the skin; capillaries tore in a maddened an effort to excise heat. But as with all discomfort that does not proceed to death; the apex of suffering was afterwards forgotten, and the oaths sworn mid-session have their terms relaxed; and in this climate I entered into discussion with the studio owner.

After I received obligatory dose of encouragement, I asked "What's the theory in regard to humidity in Bikram?"
"40/40. Forty degrees and forty percent humidity according to the Bikram manual," the teacher replied.
"It must have been in the high nineties in there."
"Well we open the windows if it gets too stuffy"
"But even so, the mirror was fogging which meant the air was saturated; it could not hold any more moisture. No matter how hot it is one should still feel a chill on the skin; the evaporation of sweat. Our heat regulation system must be allowed to continue unabated and I say, the humidity levels made it quite impossible."
Another lady, thin and loose-skinned veteran unperturbed by the preceding trails, chimed in "You'll get used to the sweat. When I started I didn’t sweat as much as I did now; but now I finish and my towel is completely wet. You don't stop sweating"

The studio owner smiled to signify that was the end of that matter; the sweat a justification in itself.


Hot afternoon sun, slanting through the car windows. Eastbound to Bunnings Cannon Hill. I was off to buy a humidity meter.

 The guidelines didn't end at 40/40; the go on to state " Temperature can be adjusted for extremes in humidity; LOW humidity + HIGHER temperature; HIGH humidity + LOWER temperature".

What line could I draw between scientific data-collection and causing offence?

I erred in the aisle, the choice between a cheap plastic analog meter and digital tablet-display with an external sensor. I bought the plastic one at first, and tested it inside and outisde the car.  35° in the car: fair enough, but when I walked out under the shade of some trees where I estimated the temperature to be no more than 30°, and more likely around 28°, the needle had not dropped within two minutes, and I had to return and buy the more expensive one, for if I was to mount a credible argument I must have faith in the accuracy of the reading, and though analog meters can certainly be accurate, a) they must be calibrated (and this model lacked any means to do so) and b) the accuracy depends on the precision of the mechanical components, and at this price point they could only be of poor quality. So I will take the digital scale in with me tomorrow and present the results.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

A poem written on Mudjimba Island, December 2014

The earth is a place where humans live together
We have troubles
Evergy is necessary for our survival
We get energy from the earth and sun
Technology has enabled energy to be supplied to us in excess
Man has attachments
Fat and sugar are amongst them
So is sex
Sex is necessary for our survival
Every person has a mother and father
Family is the essential unit of human existence
Perhaps we all started as one family
No-one knows if Jesus or Buddha existed, but human oral history records and remembers them
If only as a symbol
Jesus symbolises forgiveness
Sin is equal to attachment
Money and power allow sex and fatty and sugary foods to be delivered at will
Financial security is essential for survival
A child is raised under the financial stability of their family
A person can develop any skill he applies himself to
A child learns quicker than an adult
A man can use his skill to deliver an income
Some men can use their hands to build things
All trades require a cognitive aspect and a physical aspect
The end products always have an element of their creativity and it is art
A man's greatest work of art is a house he builds for himself
A man has fat on his belly to show how much wealth he has
A child lives under their parents until it is time to start their own family
The cycle of life is ever repeating
A rainforest is in perfect harmony between birth and death; the dead trees power survival of their offspring shooting up around them
Genetic lineage reveals who is one's mother and father
The cycle of life is not complete until the mother and father unite - asexual reproduction as trees and bacteria do is only propagating versions of themselves.
Until they find a partner
With each generation is improvement
An animal has instincts necessary for survival. They are:
- Territory
- Sex
- Protection of infants
- Acquisition of food
Humans have all the same instincts
We pass on knowledge of how to survive to our children with culture
Laziness is a form of attachment
All work has rewards
A man must work against his will
Any animal will grow fat if given an excess of food
Our role as humans is to overcome this urge
All work is a series of choices or decisions
Avoiding making a choice forms a barrier to achievement
All choices, when they are made, are usually the right ones
Any choice that seems like the wrong one we make to teach us a lesson
The human body is God's work of art
All evolution has led to our development
Religion and science are confused in opposition - they are both seeking the same truth from opposite sides.
The church seeks power to satisfy the attachments of its leaders just as a large corporation does
However, every religion houses good hearted individuals who embody the principles of Jesus or Buddha, which is to love one another, and forgive others for their misdoings against us
For they cannot be blamed
They are only facilitating their own survival or falling back on cultural norms granted to them by their parents which may be flawed
All men are one - however we are separated into tribal groups with shared genetics to aid our survival
A large group of people united by nationality and religious symbols can maintain possession of some land
All geographic forms are female - that's why we say
"There she is"
"Thar she blows"
"She'll be right"
The Earth has birthed us, so she is female
Attachment and greed are easily fallen towards
The sore in the side of Coolum is an example of this
An individual would have made a sum of money by extracting those rocks, and so would those he sold them to
But they cannot be blamed
They are only ensuring their survival
The garden of Eden in the bible is the Earth itself
Perhaps some people have not yet separated themselves from God and live in harmony with her
The earth is a bountiful garden
Our intellectual superiority to other species means we can survive at the top of the food chain
We can even take command of giant species like the elephant and train whales in ponds - but we must be careful with these species to ensure we do not use them to satisfy our desires
The body is in decay, always
All arrangements of matter are temporary
Even the great pyramids, built to defy mortality, will one day crumble away
Sooner or later we will die and our bodies will return to the Earth

Friday, August 14, 2015


Approaching Cooloola


“Though fire and water will always be opposites, nonetheless moist heat is the source of everything, and this dischordant harmony is suited to creation”
- Ovid, Metamorphoses

I am atop a very tall dune on an isthmus of land: the sound of the ocean at my left and Lake Cootharaba to the right. The sun is rising; each ten minutes becoming noticeably hotter as the angle to the earth’s surface nears the perpendicular as has less atmosphere to inhibit its radiance. The patterns of texture and glass have changed across the silken surface of the lake; no movement perceivable by watching for any period of time; but when glanced at at intervals a different is arrangement apparent altogether.

The wind is so light the lake cannot decide to be ruffled in its entirety, yet not present enough that it all may be smooth; what dictates the boundaries between subtle and arbitrary, a splash of a fish catalyst enough to invite ruffle; the shade of a floating twig harbouring an acre of still water behind it; for chaos begets chaos, and peace begets peace, just as an ionic salt solution at the point of saturation needs a first crystal to form for any others to follow, or a moisture-laden air is enticed to turn to cloud with the disturbance of an aeroplane.

The dune is tall, and the vegetation so well developed that I was at first sceptical if it should be classified as a dune at all and there was not some bedrock responsible for the elevation; however, save for a very thin layer of detritus, underneath is pure white sand. The plants, while holding dense complexity in their collective colonisation and individual form that only comes with time, are stunted in their growth and rarely reach above my eyeline in height, betraying the dearth of nutrition available; for sand is the product of the ocean driven out of its element by wind and waves; the kingdom of terrestrial plants forced to make what use of it they can, envious of their cousins in the valley below thriving on rich sediment.

Last evening a man appeared at dusk, donning Nordic walking sticks, ankle socks and a professionally-small backpack 3/5ths the volume of my own; signs his trekking experience was the greater. Of course, I dreaded the two or so hours to follow before we were politely able to retire to bed.

Today he had walked two legs instead of one: this trek training for another he referred to only by name, without an accompanying description (that I was apparently supposed to be familiar with).

When I did ask, I sensed mocking in his reply, but also a small disappointment; the track perhaps so gruelling its mere name was a boast, and in my naiveté I was unable to appreciate the full magnitude of his claim.

At this point, my tea had reached the boil and I offered him a cup; he quickly refused, stating he had better find a spot to cook some dinner, with the implication that it was to be remoter than within conversational range.

It was now my turn to feel disappointed: that glumness that social interaction would not happen replacing the fear that it would.

I formerly believed that offers of generosity were most politely refused, for they are only the economic loss of the giver and the gain of the receiver; however this opinion was due to being a child, and rarely with the facility to have anything to offer, and almost constantly in a state of acceptance; this is as natural in youth as the opposite is true in old age; hence a grandparent’s spoiling of grandchildren an enjoyable indulgence for both parties.

The exchange between two men of equal circumstance is an intricate dance, and just as good manners compulsed me to offer tea, a corresponding obligation rests on him to accept it. For good manners are the cornerstone of all friendship. This ideal is more strongly held by the older generation than our own; but one which we are erroneous in abandoning. Two men from any walk of life acting in accordance with social etiquette will be able to tolerate each other's company even if the beliefs that dwell in their hearts differ. For close friends, whom derive joy from what is shared between their hearts and intellect; these things are but gold leaf; insufficient for a friendship to stand upon alone, but when combined with good manners, a glorious one indeed. Let me here redefine manners as goodwill, because although manners, as all customs do, vary throughout the world, they are universally underpinned by a will to avoid inconveniencing one's fellow man with disregard to any inconvenience caused to oneself. Hence, the young man opens the door for the old lady, and shoes are removed to delay the necessity of the next sweep for the host.


I am at cooloola sand patch: it is somewhat like a glacier or a ski slope: particles so small they approach liquid in behaviour (or at least that illusion is given); pure white sand lined by trees, marked by the tracks of humans and dingos, the setting sun out of sight. As I look westward over the hill a procession of clouds approach; orange, then red, now fading pink, the sky above purple in space, a blue-yellow contour to the north. Note only the bottom half of each cloud is illuminated, stringy like fairy floss, and now the hues of sunset are gone altogether, clouds uniform and grey again.

I turn to the east now, and it never quite becomes dark; for the moon is full and brilliant, alighting the outside of the discs of cloud that surround it yet part in the middle to offer me full view, and the sand becomes luminescent: the reflective qualities that render it white under the sun are equally suited to the silver of moonlight, and for tonight I am on the moon itself, it is alien and barren, the breeze cool and hostile; I am vulnerable but safe.

The dry eucalypt forest gives way to needle-leaved she-oak on the boundary; the hardiest of the species; the conditions such that only it can exist here. Amongst groves, the sand is blanketed by shedded needles.

As we move further towards the bare centre, a small she-oak punctures the white sheet here and there, thin and windblown, trunks at 45°, impossible to tell if they are young or merely stunted from exposure, and whether its they will find some kind of worthy soil with their roots or must exist on light alone.

A walk across the sand patch the next day reveals its true immensity, the impressive field of view I commanded at camp but a fraction of the whole. It is here where the dunal system I doubted before is in full flight.

The wind has turned from blowing lightly from no direction in particular yesterday, to a strong marine SE tradewind today. Through a chink in the foredunes one can see a triangular portion of white-capped ocean a long way below, and this is the force that powers the sand’s slow motion, not flowing downwards as I imagined yesterday, but upwards against gravity.

The sand patch is marked as a permanent feature on the map, for within one lifetime it more or less may be, but it is not, for where I am the she-oaks push the frontier of forest forward, not being mobile themselves they throw forth shoots and seeds; seedlings and saplings. Some will survive, turn sand into soil and chance will throw a new generation forward again. And now I look more closely they are not the only species; miniature banksia, a prickly-small-leafed shrub, even a eucalypt grow in sparse lines and clusters.

On the other side of a crest, both wind and gravity in its favour, sand, newly arrived and loosely packed, invades established forest and swallows whole trees as thick as I.

It is just that a band of wind-ruffle moves across the lake’s surface with a momentum of its own, disturbing tranquillity and leaving tranquillity behind. Here, though the smooth sand looks peaceful, it is destruction and chaos, while the forest; appearing intricately intricate, is permanence and calm.


I did consider doing a large-scale line drawing on the sand, but someone of course had the idea first – on the opposite bank a large name and love heart – and I found it to detract from the dune rather than complement it.

A dune does represent a sheet of canvas - the uniformity means marks can be easily distinguished. Like fresh snow, a walker has the rare opportunity to make a virgin print; but the instant one does so the beauty is diminished; footprints can only mar the surface.

The question is; as a medium for art, which damages the environment the less: this pen on paper or the sand drawing? I may insist that I am better off withholding my urge to make marks directly on nature and use my purpose-made tools. But the harvest of pulp, mining of pigment, and the drilling of oil to shape into a pen surely erodes beauty elsewhere on the earth far away?



Here on a hilltop, by a small margin the highest in the vicinity; there are several others nearby of about equal height that all in all raise the horizon all  360 degrees, the tops of tall fire-scarred ironbarks in the midfield merging with those across the valley. Picture me at the centre of an orange juicer – the manual type, not mechanical – that is only really suited to juicing oranges (and perhaps grapefruit): moulded plastic, from the 90s or earlier; a relic of a time when there was some narrow-mindedness as to which fruits are suitable for juicing, before the walls were busted down in the late 90s and a proliferation of juice bars and electronic juicers occurred, and suddenly all manner of vegetative material was fair game, until the 2010’s, when it was collectively realised that the removal of fibre: the juicer’s essential function, was not beneficial to health; concurrently a number of dried products emerged - spirulina, chia and the like –that did not hold any liquid of their own, so in order to be drunk, must be combined with a liquid substrate, hence the smoothie and blender overtook, rendering the object I refer to redundant for a second time, however owing to the pleasing minimalism  of their design, I would wager IKEA still produce a version.

The hilltop, though tranquil now, was this morning loud with bird calls from every direction, a battle of sorts being waged between two crows and a tribe of noisy minors. It was so spirited I was impulsed to (quite illogically, I admit) sound some calls of my own. Occasionally, the verbal would progress to the physical and the crow was forced to flee, successfully intimidated despite being larger in stature, barking with earnest distress as it was chased in circular laps before resuming its perch atop the bare crown of a perished tree of the type crows are fond.

The skirmish was interrupted twice by a screech of a higher frequency than the rest - lorikeets – the melee silenced as if in submission; they flashed through the trees with greater speed and agility than all, like F1-11s on surveillance patrol, unthreatened; not spurned to either attack or defend; their manoeuvrers for play or exhibitionism rather than operational necessity. It was like a teacher’s walk through the playground that forces a temporary truce amongst the brawling pupils, and just like the effect of the entrance of a junior teacher is negligible and the headmaster’s profound, the respect granted to the lorikeets is a sign of mysterious and severe punishment they are capable of delivering should it be trespassed.

Now the allusion is raised, the cacophony seems not unlike a schoolyard in which no individual words are heard, but still the motivations behind the communication are felt; tussles for territory, allegiances and enemies, leaders and followers, confrontation and surrender.

Just now, some hours later, the crow has returned to his perch, but without the social structure, his position is meaningless; he let out a few vain calls and flies away; the irreverent laughter of kookaburras on neutral ground some distance away a reminder dusk is here.



My last morning on the trail. Awoke craving tea, made tea and ate the rest of last night’s dahl and rice. I am out of sugar – tea has changed recently from a drink to which sugar is an optional addition to a mere vessel for carrying sugar; the drinks fridge at any takeaway is proof that this is not unusual for drinks: soft drinks, iced teas, flavoured milks; sugar in different suits. One may as well take sugar into his own hands and add it liberally to home-made drinks to save donating a profit margin to the companies in the business of craving-satisfaction, for when we eat out we are seeking to do just that; part of what we pay for the blindfold so we may not know the quantities and ratios of pleasure-giving ingredients – namely salt, carbs, fat and sugar – we attribute instead to secret recipes, skilled hands or specialised equipment. Some, however, have not forgotten this: older rural generations for whom eating out is not part of their culture, or, at most, an annual event, and salt can be found at the centre-stage of the dining table; oil not bought in boutique glass vessels but heavy plastic drums; the post meal pilgrimage to the 7/11 confectionary aisle replaced by expertly made cakes, biscuits and puddings; white flour the most essential of all pantry items.


I am in a section of rainforest, earlier in the walk only found in small pockets hugging a creek or a particularly shaded gully, identified by a single palm tree; a lone representative of the species that had somehow traversed miles of drier woodland all around to arrive.

Yesterday I passed through two hours of forest of this type, leaves in the understory becoming fleshier and broader. Strangling figs appeared: some just as ambitious tendrils hardly noticed by their hosts; others locked in the apex of battle, hitherto separate fingers meeting to encircle the circumference of a mighty gum, nevertheless defiant and shouldering the load; other figs victorious, the trunk it owes its shape to rotting or completely absent, a hollow centre glimpsed through chinks in flesh, bent under the strain of the former tree’s collapse in the last throes of life.

It is miraculous that forests a few hours walk from each other vary so much; the rain not falling by pure chance over to region to result in an average uniform distribution, but favouring (by small amounts) certain sides of hills to others. Whereas, on higher ground, the soil is crumbly and dry and the leaf litter crisp and eager to receive a raging flame, here everything is damp, despite no recent rain; the underside of my tent damp, the logs placed by the park-keepers not acting as furniture as intended, but as part of the biome, rotting in their place, covered in moss and fungi, not appealing to sit on any longer. My campfire only started after much coaxing, gathered branches relinquishing water vapour in suffocating plumes of smoke amidst much hiss and crackle, before they could alight and, in turn, offer a dehumidifying service to the next log placed atop.


I am at Poona lake that is perched up high. The rainforest abruptly ended before I came across it. I had been climbing for a while next to a creek that was almost a caricature of one – a neat parabolic gully – so obvious it could have been designed and carved out of the sand by an excavator, with no apparent increase in vegetation density leading to it; despite the ceremonious channel, the watercourse itself an idle series of pools covered in dead palm fronds.

It was with relief that about the same time the incline flattened and the surrounding vegetation changed away from rainforest, the creek took on a more familiar appearance; now choked with greyish reeds and lined by friendly paperbacks.

It is curious that where water collects in greatest abundance, rainforest is not found – not in the valley of the Noosa River where the ground is not damp but positively wet – there be a low, nearly treeless marsh; neither here, on the shores of the perched lake; no, the balance must be just right; water must linger in its passage from the canopy to the floor, long enough for everything in between to be damp, but ultimately drain away.

In sections around the perimeter of this lake, between the reeds and water, is a narrow band of white sand and look – humans – reclined and undressed, pale skin of similar hue, only contrasted against a towel placed underneath, the optimistic mummer of their voices mingling with bird calls.

This quirk of geography - sand beside water - resembles a beach enough for the visitors to follow the accompanying cultural protocols. In Brisbane a similar phenomenon exists at South Bank. If the sand itself is too busy the mode of behaviour can extend onto grassed sections; as long as an observer can understand the original intention, they are not offended, although in another public part of the city they might be.

Here, towards the end of the walk, there are several points of access by car so I should not be surprised to encounter mankind. I met an older couple, not beach-bound, but armed with day-packs, sensible hats, binoculars and bird catalogues. I asked if they were bird watching – he replied, “well, everything” – nodding to a mushroom below as though to mean “this too”.

With much delight, the lady showed me in her book a species of native pigeon she had just spotted – the largest of the Australian pigeons. Suddenly everything seemed the more sacred and beautiful, and I regretted squashing a mushroom with my walking stick on a whim earlier on; and now I think about how strongly one feels a subconscious pressure to conform with the ideals of those he is in company with (if the disagreement is not so opposite he can confidently reject it outright); for I can recall the discomfort of being around others where the identification of a particular pigeon would seem amusingly trivial.


"We, as First Nations Peoples, have the international right as independent Nations Peoples to assert our right of self-determination under international law."
- Nyoongar Ghurradjong Murri Ghillar, Aboriginal Sovereignty Leader

"Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Start your own currency!
Make your own stamp
Protect your language"
- Bjork

The Aboriginal sovereign embassy was first established in Canberra in 1972 and have since been intermittedly established in the capitals around Australia. The Brisbane embassy was forcibly evicted from Musgrave Park by police in 2012 under orders from the Brisbane City Council.  

A nation's sovereignty is defined by necessary components: autonomy, control over an area of land, a defence force, a flag, a head of state, a passport and a currency. This work uses currency as an artefact of the state, usually glanced over as a mere object of function, but when studied we see they are rich in endemic symbology: national, religious, biological. 

The landmass of eurasia is laid out here in a simplified form: each note placed in accordance with the state it was born from. We can trace the euro-asia contour of facial features of the figures along the bottom row; kings, the finest men of the land; we can see the beauty of the nation's history; thousands of years of development of the arts distilled into select examples of architecture, technology; even the visual style of the abstract patterning of the borders. 

The Aboriginal man stands entrapped by a foreign symbology, dressed in foreign dress; he has not his own script on the bill as the Omani Arabs and Thais proudly display; his own nationality denied. 

Where does Australia belong? Do we remain a part of the British Empire as our coins suggest? Are we perhaps, as modern political discourse reads, part of Asia? Or neither? Our identity crisis is represented by the spacing of Australian notes at opposite poles of the continent. 

In a modern post-colonial generation that seeks to dissolve racial boundaries, this work forces the viewer to reconsider race; and asks if we are ready to move beyond it, given it's close link to nationhood and the burgeoning Aboriginal sovereignty movement. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

New Dehli

Jack was in Dehli. Clutching the Lonely Planet to his breast he navigated his way through the humid melee outside the airport and into a taxi with weary determination.

After they exchanged pleasantries, the friendly taxi driver (who's name was Rahul) started the conversation
"I have good friend from Australia. His name Shane. He come here for gemstone business."
"What business?"
"Gemstone. Delhi is gemstone trading capital of the world."
Jack raised his eyebrows. He didn't know this. Suddenly wary, he checked his money belt was still under his shirt.
Rahul continued. "You want? My friend has small shop. You come see."
"I'm alright mate. I might just go crash ay."
"Yes, yes, you come see. No buy. No problem."

They pulled up at a dark alleyway, as indistinguishable as any other.
Jack's door was open. Rahul was beckoning. Jack hesitated.
"I'm sweet mate, if we could just head to the hotel it'd be great."
The driver either didn't understand or simply didn't oblige.
"Yes come. Five minutes, no problem. Just looking."

Jack reluctantly followed his new friend down the alley. They descended into a dim room. A dozen or so men were sitting on stools and smoking. They were all wearing bumbags.

Jack was escorted to sit in front of one of the most overweight men. Like a fishing tackle box, his bumbag folded out to reveal terraced compartments of glittering jewels. Five other men soon unraveled their own collections in a congested semicircle. There was no escape. Deals were being offered for one jewel, five jewels, or twenty jewels and one for free.
"Na, na, I don't really want to buy anything" Jack said in a fluster.

Rahul thought it high time to put his new customer's mind at ease.
"I call my friend Shane from Australia. He talk to you and tell you okay. I call him."
"Na it's okay, I don't need to speak to him"

Rahul pulled out his Nokia and punched in a number from a scrunched up business card in his shirt pocket. The ringing phone was thrust into Jack's hand.

"G'day, Shane speaking".
To Jack's suprise there was an Australian accent, crisp over the international telephone line.
"Who's this?"
"Jack? Where's Rahul?"
"You're Aussie?"
"Yeah mate. I'm a gem wholesaler in Sydney. Who are you?"
"I'm just traveling. Your friend here thinks I want to buy gems."
"Mate, if it's quality gems your after, you're talking to the right bloke. Tell him how much money you have and he'll find you something nice. You'll triple it back home. Just don't get done by customs."

The voice sounded familiar to Jack.
"Wait, is this Shane-o? From Coffs?"
"Na mate, I'm from Sydney. Now .."
The phone line cut out.

As Indian men relentlessly shoved gems into Jack's hands, he thought wistfully back to his mate Shaneo from high school, who used to buy cartons of Red Bull from the servo and sell them for five bucks each at lunchtime. He could have sworn it sounded like the same guy.

Big Day Out

Toby was in a predicament. He was at Big Day Out with a few mates. It was their third time. All the boys were pumped to see the Foo Fighters.

The problem was this time Alex, Toby's new girlfriend, had joined.

Toby had identified the potential discord a week before when he noticed that Alex, after a thorough analysis of the festival programme, had penciled in Jonsi playing at the same time as the Foo Fighters. He voiced no protest at that time.

She even laminated a 'final' copy and confirmed Jonsi for the 10:00-10:40 time slot in neat orange highlighter. It was set in stone.

As the days passed Toby grew increasingly anxious. As they went shopping so Alex could buy new sunglasses he stayed silent. And as she programmed her festival playlist for the car journey, Foo Fighters were conspicuously absent.

He did not raise the courage to break his silence until the day of the festival itself at approximately 2145 hrs, when the party of four momentarily stopped outside the porta-loos. From here, the road split to the green stage one way and the main stage the other.

"Sooo ... What's on now?" Toby said, feigning innocence and studying his programme.
"Jonsi babe" said Alex.
The two other boys were already walking with the masses towards the main stage.
"I'm kind of keen to see the Foo Fighters"
"I thought we both wanted to see Jonsi?"
"Would you mind if I, like, met you after?"
"What? you want me to go by myself?
The boys were disappearing from sight. "Well..."
"The Foo Fighters? Are you serious?"
"Or whatever, I'm easy"

Toby had to play this carefully. He knew the Foo Fighters were too mainstream, too masculine for Alex. He feared that even expressing his desire to see them might reveal an uncultured side to his personality that Alex might not find attractive, like when she caught him listening to Nova instead of Triple J.

As the couple continued to debate (which had taken Alex by much surprise) another group of four passed them. A skinny lad dressed in high fashion did a double take.


The two hugged.

"Umm" Alex began, "Toby, this is my ex, Reilly."

"What's up man" Rielly said.

Toby offered his hand for a handshake but received from Rielly only an ironic fist bump.

"You guys coming to Jonsi?"

The invitation from Rielly was directed more at Alex but it was Toby who replied.

"Yeah. We're pumped to see Jonsi."


Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Different genres of music are inspired by different drugs. One cannot separate Reggae and Marijuana, The Velvet Underground and Heroin, the later Beatles and LSD, Rock'n'roll and booze.

Of course, drugs are not required by the finest minds to create: there are innumerable examples of geniuses who found the clarity of sobriety the best mode of working: and any musician brilliant on drugs is certainly brilliant without. It does not matter for the audience what the performer has indulged in before the show - they cannot share in the experience and the performance is seldom better for it.

Nevertheless, creative types, moreso than any other part of society, are drawn to drugs for some reason, and the characteristics of the drug make it's effects felt on the work, whether as a subconscious guiding or an effort by the artist to portray what experiences they have witnessed in the throes of a trip.

The artists of the old world need not worry about harming their brain with drug-use; neither the chemical drugs capable of causing sinister injury, nor the field of neurology to study and observe them existed yet.

The old-world drugs: cannabis, opium, cocaine, alcohol and nicotine (and in prehistory and tribal cultures, a number of plant-based sedatives and hallucinogens including kava, psilocybin, ayuasca, mescaline and so on); had not been criminalised and could be reliably obtained from their organic sources through honest trade.

The progress of science in the 20th century resulted in man's new ability to synthesise compounds not found in nature. This created a new class of drugs - the pharmaceuticals - and also the new recreational drugs.

New compounds were invented one at a time and put to test on animal and human subjects to determine their utility - beneficial or detrimental.

Sometimes there would be a delay until the harm was made known by the drug, such as thalidomide and birth defects in the 1960s, and an unfortunate generation would wear the damage, for the damaging effects cannot be known by science until some creatures, sometimes human, have suffered them.

The neurotoxicity of MDMA has been demonstrated by O'Hearn et al. (1996) and Croft et al. (2001). The most quoted study (Ricaurte et al., 1988) was with doses comparable to those in real life on primates - in which serotonergic axons were damaged seven years later. Gouzoulis-Mayfrank et al.(2000) have found a decline in cognition in human users which may be permanent.

The brain remains largely a mystery. Though we try to understand it as if it were a computer, compartmentalised into different sections for different functions, how a work of art is received from the ether and made into fruition - no man understands; therefore how the physical damage MDMA imparts on particular neurons impairs artistic expression is also open to conjecture.

The other heavyweight drugs; heroin, cocaine, that admittedly may cause more deaths due to impeding functions of the body or overdose, are, by comparison, innocuous to the mind.

If marijuana is tied to reggae, MDMA is tied to rave culture. It is improper to study genres such as techno, trance and hard house without assuming the intended audience, hundreds or thousands of them to be simultaneously under the influence of MDMA.

Rave culture for a young person is fallen towards in a similar fashion to religion; it offers a sense of belonging and connection centred around the MDMA experience rather than a concept of God.

The brain flooded with serotonin appreciates different things to a sober state; but none appear to be profound or even interesting. There is nothing to be gained by going outside and contemplating the wonders of nature on MDMA, not has anything insightful been uttered. Fluro colours, glo sticks, enclosed rooms full of neon lights and the nauseating, incessant, metronomic beat. Yes, the older generation have grounds to stand on when they reduce the genre to 'doof'. It is an apt description.

Now, before you accuse me of being closed minded towards a particular genre, let's ask: is rave culture and the multitude of sub-genres of locked-tempo dance music - the end product of the collective action of MDMA on the minds of humans - reflective of truth and beauty as all good art points towards, or a shallow illusion, a whole genre only made enjoyable by veritably damaging one's brain?

(note: I mean not to vilify electronic music in general)

Croft RJ, Klugman A, Baldeweg T, Gruzelier JH. Electrophysiological evidence of serotonergic impairment in long-term MDMA ("ecstasy") users. Am J Psychiatry 2001 Oct;158(10):1687-92.

Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Daumann J, Tuchtenhagen F, et al. Impaired cognitive performance in drug free users of recreational ecstasy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000; 68:719 -725.

O'Hearn E, Battaglia G, De Souza EB, Kuhar MJ, Molliver ME. Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) cause selective ablation of serotonergic axon terminals in forebrain: immunocytochemical evidence for neurotoxicity. J Neurosci. 1988 Aug;8(8):2788-803.

Ricaurte GA, Forno LS, Wilson MA, DeLanney LE, Irwin I, Molliver ME, Langston JW. (+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine selectively damages central serotonergic neurons in nonhuman primates. JAMA. 1988 Jul 1;260(1):51-5.


Photo: John Pryke

The coasts are equated with cultural ugliness; new housing estates, mainstreamers, tradies, boring types who enjoy the beach. To have come from the coast and be accepted in Brisbane means to turn one's back on the coast and join with them in their scoffing. Excersise is scoffed at. Healthy foods are scoffed at. When a limitation in physical fitness is revealed, for example gross inflexibility or excessive puffing after a short amount of cardio, it is joked about with a kind of pride. For they have not wasted a second of their life on the lowly and brainless drudgery of sport, save for when they might have been forced to in early childhood. It is the type of condition, that, if combined with heavy lifting, may cause an injury, or in later life, obesity, but until this happens it is all hunky dory. The flesh is unimportant, simply a vessel to consume intoxicants, a canvas on which to inscribe with ironic tattoos, a housing for the eyes to gaze on with a unique cynical view. This way of viewing is much valued, and when a deadline is due at art college, it is drawn upon to produce a work.

Perhaps it is the landscape of Brisbane itself which informs everything, it's core a mess of concreted surfaces; overpasses, tunnels, entire hills paved over, busways, grimy last-century train-lines carved obtusely through it all; the summer heat radiating back off these hard surfaces, with hardly a grassed area to soak into, being defied by the youth in jeans and docs, a counter-reaction to the shorts and thongs a simple Brisbane worker will don in his leisure time. But you will not see the worker waiting to cross at traffic lights on a summers day as the youth does, uncomfortable and hungover at midday, mid-week; they are in air-conditioned offices and later on in their cars driving home, when the network of asphalt and tollways makes the commute just-bearable. And even if it is not, a change in government at the next election is sure to result in a new tunnel or overpass.

Distant forest-covered hills can be glimpsed through certain angles, beyond the edge of Brisbane, but they are seldom looked upon, and even in the refuge of the shady suburbs, ugliness is worshipped. A dirt-bare floored area under a house is converted into a gallery; the work on show is a fan shuddering around with brown panty-hose replacing the blades. In the next room, a rotten disused 70s-era laundry, the mouth of a vacuum cleaner sucks vainly at a pair of suspended underpants.


I have finished my Nando's food annoyingly branded and franchised to the end result of thinking it will be better than it really is.

This restaurant has managed to form an identity inside my head - only finalised when, one pound short of a drink, a gentleman loaned me a pound with the comment "Oh, Nandos is the best man, I've been looking forward to it all day" - at this point I realised I was in not a busy restaurant but a phenomenon and I was lucky enough to be joining them.

Despite this, the chicken was underwhelming; the outer surface gluggy and a coasted with too much sauce to result in crispness. Spiciness on barbecued chicken, in my opinion, is much better applied as a dry-rub held in oil to form a crust and sauce applied after. Indeed, they do have bottles of the same sauce available for a second application.

I look through the menu now, every instance of the word peri-peri capitalised (and in a slightly different font) PERI-PERI, which, in breaking style, gives the same semiotic effect as when prose is interrupted with a trademarked word marked , and it is read in my head in a comically exaggerated voice.

If you want some bread, you can't just get bread, it must be Garlic Bread, classified as a regular side, £2.25, or can be included as one of the two sides in a meal-deal, and then it is not normal bread - but franchised bread, the same kind you find at subway or on airline flights, probably distributed as semi-baked dough from the central Nando's factory already in the trademarked shape and re-heated onsite.

And still, I lust for Nandos when I a hungry in my room, I still dream about the flame-grilled chicken; successfully brainwashed. It's like when you realise McDonald's food is actually terrible at the age of 10, still you crave it an continue to eat it into your 20s.


Oh Nandos,

Ye has drawn me in yet again. Oh how I disparaged you at our last meeting.

Ye hath not escaped my mind. I concede I have fallen victim to your marketing, to your package.

I walk past your every day and see satisfied families, prams beside the tables, babies happy with their flame-grilled chicken. I want to share in their happiness.

Surf booties: a justification

The lately-shamed legrope-less hordes at Byron clumsily losing longboards into swimmer's heads - they are only imitating their idols (rasta, tudor, campbell et al) as they are/were portrayed in the media in the height of anti-legrope neo-soul era.

Let's take a random selection from the centre of the target STAB audience - 28, competent ability - when he is packing for his indo trip, now he most likely will think: "na booties are lame" - this image here one of the many influences (along with heresay from his semi-pro mate and observations from surf films) that inform his opinion. When this very same bloke is now going over the falls on a shallow section a week later, feet bare, wishing he could have the security of a protected foot to plant on the reef to save injury to other parts of the body, as one does without thinking on a beachbreak after a wipeout. But no, he has nothing, he makes a futile attempt to float atop the water in the tumult of the whitewash; his hip is grazed first, then a knee and hand; he then stands up anyway, water now shin-deep, to jump over the whitewash of the next wave.

Fundamentally, we find disregard to danger attractive. Any time there is an option to wear a helmet (snowboarding, skateboarding etc), the cooler choice is to not. Teenagers exploit a (imagined) loophole in the law by riding with the chin-strap undone, just to show that in the event of a crash, their head still has the possibility of sustaining unhindered damage. Wearing s rash-shirt vs getting sunburnt bare-chested, or wearing earplugs vs the naturally cooler option of not wearing earplugs in a rock band. What do we attribute the attractiveness to? That which is inherent in minimalism? Or an irrational evolutionary drive about courage in the face of danger?

Now, let's think about the purpose of the shoe now as a whole - a) protection b) aesthetics. Consider the precedent of circumstances in which we wear shoes and tell me: what surface do we walk across in day-to-day life that exceeds the risk of injury of a tropical reef? Tiles, pavement, carpet, grass, dirt; all relatively smooth and innocuous; yet we wear shoes.

It is difficult to take a single step across reef without breaking the skin at least in some small way, and the concurrence of reef and the tropics means any small nick is susceptible to bacterial infection.

In the case of urban casual day-shoes, which need only to ward off occasional and minor risks to foot safety (perhaps a shard of broken glass, a discarded needle, the bite of an ant) aesthetics can dominate decision making. This class of sneakers, vans, converse etc. improve on the aesthetic of the bare foot.

We need then to look at a different class of shoes to make an apt analogy to the bootie, towards more risky terrestrial environments that rival the treachery of a coral reef - take a tradesman: steel cap boots, a adventurer: hiking boots, a butcher: gumboots, a footballer: football boots. All these shoes are tailor made for a particular function without a focus on aesthetic (nonetheless - for good or bad - they do have an unavoidable aesthetic affect). The bootie is simply the protective footwear designed for sea-going, and the surf bootie a further specialised sub-category

From the above, we may postulate that as functionality increases, coolness decreases - most of us would agree one clear example is the comparison between a fetching man on a vintage single-speed bicycle wearing jeans and a t-shirt versus a gaudy cyclist on a lightweight modern carbon frame wearing a Lycra ensemble.

However, is not what is considered aesthetically-pleasing or 'in' at any moment arbitrary? Is not functionality the rightful master? As the architect Louis Sullivan famously said "Whether it be the sweeping eagle in his flight, or the open apple-blossom ... form ever follows function", or to quote design demigod Steve Jobs, "design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

We can draw on numerous examples to illustrate this point: Timberland work boots were arbitrarily adopted as an aesthetic item by American Hip-Hop artists in the late 90s; the now-fashionable sneaker was originally just a shoe for athletics, the full-deck surfboard grip came in, out, and back in again while it's function remains unchanged: indeed, even the bootie itself in context with a long -legged wetsuit in cold climes is acceptable - even fashionable.

So in conclusion, wear booties my friends! We strap shoes on already for far less!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

John 2: 1-11 New Sunny Coast Translation

1 On the third day of that week some bloke was getting married to his chick at Cana (out near Galilee). Jesus' old bird was there. 2 Jesus and all his mates were invited as well. 

3 When the booze ran out Jesus' mum was like "you couldn't do a bottlo run could ya love, they're outta grog."

4 Jesus replied "why would I give a fuck, woman? I can't even drive yet."

5 His mum called the catering crew over and told them "go get in his ear, he'll sort it out."

6 There were six plastic containers lying around under the house, about fifty or sixty litres each.

7 Jesus said "Oi go grab the hose and fill those containers up with water". They filled em up all the way. 

8 Jesus said "Sick, now take some water out and take it to the bloke running the show."

9 When the bloke tasted the water it had become wine. He didn't know where it came from. He called the groom over and said to him 10 "Most cunts serve the expensive shit first, and later when everyone's maggot they bring out the goon. But you've saved the good shit until now!"

11 This was the first crazy shit Jesus did. Everyone thought he was a sick cunt and was backing him.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Susie's Warung

 T: hey man, know a good homestay in bingin?

A: I stay at susie warung. It's pretty rough, but cheap and right on the beach, near the impossibles end.

T: how much we talking and how rough haha?

A: Like bare concrete surfaces, shared toilet, lumpy mattress, mozzie net. 

Sketchy hard core surf dogs aged 33-39 lounging on hard straight backed chairs, nursing septic wounds, always waiting for the tide to change.

Kadex, the third or fourth best board repair guy in bingin hangs there all day, giving dirty looks, waiting for his next repair, chain smoking ciggies.

The blokes keep their quivers in the common area, Indo guns, none under 7'0, ample rocker, airbrush spray jobs. 

A busted up McCoy sits on the second level, left behind by a veteran wave warrior.

No females stay at Susie's.

The competitive vibe between the shirtless males of who rips the hardest is so intense, you're better off just not surfing at all so as not to reveal any potential weakness and just glare at each other all day. That's the way most blokes roll there.

It's not fun.

Most look back on their time at Susie's as a dark time.