Thursday, February 12, 2015

John 2: 1-11 New Sunny Coast Translation

1 On the third day of that week some bloke was getting married to his chick at Cana (out near Galilee). Jesus' old bird was there. 2 Jesus and all his mates were invited as well. 

3 When the booze ran out Jesus' mum was like "you couldn't do a bottlo run could ya love, they're outta grog."

4 Jesus replied "why would I give a fuck, woman? I can't even drive yet."

5 His mum called the catering crew over and told them "go get in his ear, he'll sort it out."

6 There were six plastic containers lying around under the house, about fifty or sixty litres each.

7 Jesus said "Oi go grab the hose and fill those containers up with water". They filled em up all the way. 

8 Jesus said "Sick, now take some water out and take it to the bloke running the show."

9 When the bloke tasted the water it had become wine. He didn't know where it came from. He called the groom over and said to him 10 "Most cunts serve the expensive shit first, and later when everyone's maggot they bring out the goon. But you've saved the good shit until now!"

11 This was the first crazy shit Jesus did. Everyone thought he was a sick cunt and was backing him.